Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fading Aurora Storm

I was pretty excited yesterday afternoon when I checked the aurora forecast and it said the current aurora activity was at STORM level!  The promising numbers were carrying into the evening but unfortunately cloud cover was moving in as well.  I decided to take a drive inland to see if the cloud cover was thinner away from Lake Superior.  Indeed, I found some nice, reasonably clear skies.  The stars were beautiful and the night was so calm that they were reflecting in the water with hardly any distortion at all.  The aurora activity level had calmed down quite a bit by the time I found some clear sky, but it was still a beautiful glow on the northern horizon.  

1 comment:

Maureen said...

We enjoyed that storm at our house too. Around 5 a.m. it was all completely overhead and reaching down into the southern part of the sky, although not all the way down to the horizon.