Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nocturnal Exploring

This is hands-down my favorite picture I've taken of the Jeep so far.  I was out until about 3:00 AM exploring new roads and looking for places to photograph the Milky Way. The night was beautiful beyond belief. It's really cool when the stars are so bright they illuminate the landscape enough that you don't need a flashlight to walk around. 

The other day someone asked me if I was born at night.  I wasn't (I was born around 10:30 AM), but it made me stop and think... that would make sense if I was born at night, because I am such a night owl. Being out in the woods at night is where I feel most at home. I never (well, rarely) feel uneasy when I'm outside at night. I feel like the star light gives me energy. When I'm out spending time under the stars I feel so refreshed and rejuvenated. It's where I always long to be. 

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