Monday, June 6, 2016

Aurora Arc over Teal Lake

Here is another photo from last night's aurora surprise.  After watching the lights dancing over the pond, we headed back down towards the village with the intent of going home for the night.  As we drove back, however, the lights looked like they might be picking back up in intensity so we decided to head to one more location before calling it a night.  

The lake shown in this photo is called Teal Lake and is easily visible from Highway 61 in Grand Portage, MN.  It makes for a great spot to watch the northern lights as it is an elevated viewpoint with nothing to block the view of the northern sky.  We only had a short time to enjoy the aurora from here, though.  As you can see beneath the arc of light, there is a cloud bank that was fast approaching from the northeast.  It didn't take long for these advancing clouds to obscure the view of the lights.  It was probably a good thing, however, as we both had to be up early in the morning.  Once the clouds blocked the view we called it a night and headed home. 

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