Friday, September 1, 2023

August "Super Blue Moon"


Here are my photos of the "August Super Blue Moon" that has been all the rage on social media and news outlets the past several days. While I think all full moons are special, there is definitely a certain allure knowing that a perigee moon or "super moon" (or in this case, super BLUE moon... the blue meaning that it is the second full moon to occur within the same calendar month) is 14% larger and 30% brighter than an apogee moon. For those that might not know, perigee is the point in the moon's orbit around earth that it is closest to earth, and apogee is the point in the moon's orbit that it is furthest from earth. 

At any rate, like pretty much every full moon, this one was beautiful indeed.  My favorite place to watch a moonrise is over water. I love the reflections that dance across the surface as the moon rises. I hope you all had a chance to get out and watch the moon rise as well. 

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