Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Spirit Tree and The Milky Way

As many of you know, I am a huge fan of the night sky and I love making images of the night sky.  Whether its moonlight, northern lights, lightning storms or the milky way galaxy, I always have a blast photographing night scenes.  Just the other night we had one of the best nights ever for photographing the night sky.  The sky was completely clear and there wasn't a lick of wind, which meant I could hear many things that you wouldn't be able to hear on a windy night. For example, as I made this image I could hear the haunting call of Loons from across the bay.  I can tell you there are few things that inspire as much fascination as sitting at the base of the Spirit Tree, staring up at the Milky Way while a pair of Loons call in the distance. 

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