Sunday, January 24, 2021

A nice drive and a Great Gray Owl sighting!


Today was a surprisingly nice day!  We had glorious sunshine, which has been a rarity this winter. January has (seemingly, at least) been much warmer than usual which means we've had a LOT of cloudy days. We just had to get out and enjoy the sunshine today. We decided to take a drive up into the woods on a local logging road.  Luckily for us no one else had driven on the road since it was last plowed. An unplowed road is a joy to drive as you can easily see all the signs of animal activity since the last time a vehicle passed by.  We found a fun rodent trail that was running right down the middle of the road and were fascinated by its tracks. The highlight of the day by far, however, was spotting a Great Gray Owl on our way home. He was nice enough to stop and perch where the light of the setting sun was shining on him.  It was the perfect end to a fun afternoon of exploring!

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