Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Drumming Log

On Friday afternoon I headed out to a location that my friend Paul told me about, where he knew of a tolerant Ruffed Grouse that was drumming regularly between two logs within 100 feet of each other. As usual, Paul's directions were spot-on and I was able to find the log very easily. As I approached the area, I could hear the drumming sounds so I knew I was getting close. I slowed my pace and tried to limit my sound as much as I could.  I started scanning the area of woods where I expected the log would be and sure enough I spotted it with the grouse already perched on it, surveying the forest in between rounds of drumming. 

I watched for a few minutes from the trail before approaching the log. When I spot an animal I like to hang back for a bit and watch, to see how he/she reacts to my presence. If it seems like the animal might tolerate my presence, I will approach a little closer.  With grouse in the spring, you can often approach to within 10 feet or so and they won't seem to mind.  That was definitely the case with this guy, as I eventually able to get quite close to him and get some fantastic photos and video. 

I was able to witness at least a dozen cycles of his drumming behavior.  He would drum 3 or 4 times over the course of about 20 minutes, then hop down from the log and wander around through the woods for a bit before returning to drum some more.  When I left I chose to do so in between his cycles when he was off wandering in the woods, so as not to startle him when I walked away. It's always very special to have an animal allow you to be in its space.  I treasure these moments when they occur. 

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