Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cholla, Mountains and the Milky Way

Kofa National Wildlife Refuge... what a magical place at night. Special during the day as well, but even more so at night.  It was so quiet I could easily hear the kangaroo mice scurrying around the desert floor as I made these photos. When I'm in the desert I have a hard time deciding on locations to shoot at night.  Mostly because there are so many possibilities. Probably my favorite location in Kofa were the Cholla fields. I have never seen so many Cholla as I did in Kofa.  And I love how they're lurking there in the shadows underneath the stars, framed by mountains in the distance. 

I've really come to like Ocotillo as well.  It's one of my favorite desert plants. Every time I see them I smile.  Maybe it's because they're a little bigger than most of the desert plant life, always reaching high for the sky as if they too want to touch the stars. I think I could easily spend a lifetime exploring the desert and never get bored...

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