Thursday, June 23, 2022

Back in Business!


Yes!  I am so excited!  I finally was able to save up enough to purchase a "night" lens for my new camera. For years I have used Nikon's F-mount version of the 14-24mm f/2.8 lens, which I absolutely loved.  I just picked up the new Z-mount version of the lens and if my first few shots are any indication, I'm going to love it just as much if not more than the F-mount version!  For one thing its quite a bit lighter. And the surface area of the glass is smaller, which I like.  The old lens had a huge piece of glass.  And, my first shots reveal that the sharpness of the images is very good.  This photograph was just taken from my backyard, looking at the Milky Way over my house. I'm really looking forward to getting out a lot more with this new lens!

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