Thursday, March 21, 2019

Lamenting the loss of winter

Barely two weeks ago the winter conditions were pretty much perfect.  We had a lot of snow and that snow was of a good quality for winter activities.  Then we got a bunch of rain.  That was followed by a slight dip in temperature, enough to turn our snow hard and crunchy.  Now we've got temperatures that are warm enough to make what remains of the snow a soft, sloppy mess.  Where there isn't snow, there is mud.  I know, I know... most people don't like winter and are ecstatic at the thought of summer coming.  I love summer just as much as the next person, but I also love winter.  And I wasn't quite ready for it to be over yet.  Here are a couple of photos of one of my snowshoe trails back when the snow was awesome.  On the up side, soon it will be time to break the ECR (my bike) out of storage and start riding again :-)  

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