Monday, January 14, 2013

Lake Superior Lightning and the Spirit Tree

I was going through some older shots again last night and came across this one that I wanted to share.  One of the "dream" shots that I want to get someday is a huge lightning bolt filling the sky behind the spirit tree.  So far that hasn't happened, despite many tries.  Whenever there is a thunderstorm heading our way that looks favorable, I head down to the tree hoping to catch that dream shot.  While I haven't yet captured the giant sky-filling bolt behind the tree, I have captured some smaller ones that are quite interesting in their own right.  

This is one such shot from back in June of 2011.  This particular storm was moving very slowly and as the storm hit Hat Point in Grand Portage, it changed course and headed out over the lake.  This meant that I was able to photograph the lightning and the tree with minimal risk of getting wet from rainfall.  I did feel a few drops here and there, but most of the storm was out over the lake so I stayed pretty dry.  Most of the lightning was "heat lightning", which just flashes up in the clouds, but there were a few bolts as well.  This was the best picture of a bolt that I captured that night. 

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