(Click on the image to view a much larger version)
This entry goes out to the students of Oshki Ogimaag school in Grand Portage... from one reservation to another! Today I visited the Makah Reservation in northwest Washington state. In fact, the Makah Nation is on the most northwesterly point of land in the continental United States! I had heard that Kyler Deschampe, one of the students at Oshki Ogimaag, was wondering if my trip was indeed real. Well, Kyler, it is indeed real and here's a photo to prove it :-) Ask your teacher to show you on the map where the Makah Nation is... its right on the Pacific Ocean! Its a reservation much like ours, with beautiful forests and shoreline with big waters beyond. Even though I am almost two thousand miles away from Grand Portage, in a way this feels like home.
On a side note, I've been looking for some cool "Pacific Ocean" rocks for my niece Shaelynn... I've found a few neat ones but so far the coolest find has been this crab shell, which I found on a beach in British Columbia. I hope she likes it! It is the shell from a Dungeness Crab, and is about 4 inches wide. These crabs must periodically molt their shell in order to grow. In 2009, thanks to schoolchildren from Sunset Primary School in West Linn, Oregon, and citing its importance to the Oregon economy, the Oregon State Legislature designated the Dungeness Crab as the state crustacean of Oregon.

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