My plan for this evening was to head to Capitol Reef National Park in time for sunset, to photograph either the amazing hills in the late afternoon light, or the Fremont River as the sun set behind it. As is becoming the norm on this trip, my "plan", such as it was, changed along the way. As I was driving from I-70 towards Capitol Reef on Highway 24, I saw a sign for Goblin Valley State Park. I pulled over to the side of the road to see if the guide book said anything about it. Sure enough, it was in there... and it was described as a "don't miss" location. The author also said that "a moonlight walk through the goblins could be magical". The hook was set and the park reeled me in :-)

(Below: Click on this image to view it larger... look for the group of people in this shot!)

I arrived at the main parking area for the park just in time to scope things out and decide how I wanted to shoot the area. There were quite a few people walking around in the valley, and they really helped to provide a sense of scale for the goblins. Apparently the movie "Galaxy Quest" (starring Tim Allen) was filmed in Goblin Valley State Park, due to its unearthly scenery.

Just as the sun was setting, the moon was also rising over the valley. Thanks to all the people that were there climbing around, I was able to get a few cool shots of some people on top of one of the rocks with the moon in the background. I hung around for about two hours after sunset, and the author of my guide book was right.... once it was dark enough, the valley in the moonlight was magical! I made a few exposures in the moonlight then continued on towards Capitol Reef.

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