Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Afternoon Sun and Snowfall


The other day as I was leaving work something happened that had a very magical and mystical feel. As I was walking out to my vehicle I looked up and saw these ominous yet beautiful clouds slowly drifting across the sky. Every now and then the sun would make itself visible within the thinner pockets of clouds.  I was mesmerized by the view so I set up my camera and tripod and started making photos and videos. 

Just moments after I had my gear set up, it started to snow. A few moments later there was a LOT of snow coming down. The flakes were HUGE and very fluffy. It was such a cool experience to be looking straight up into the sky and feeling these giant yet extremely soft flakes of snow landing gently on my face. The next time you see snowfall like that, do yourself a favor and look up.  Feel that gentleness. Nature can be very destructive but it can also be very healing. Savor those moments. 

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