This photo was taken at 1:05 A.M. this morning. I was up late last night watching a movie when I started noticing a lot of flashes outside my living room window, which overlooks Grand Portage Bay on Lake Superior. I grabbed my laptop and pulled up the weather radar, which showed a thin but very intense line of thunderstorms heading our way. Right then and there the movie I had been watching was forgotten. I gathered my camera gear and walked down to the beach in front of my house.

The next hour was some of the most fun I've ever had with my camera. Usually when thunderstorms move through our area it is pouring rain before I can get any good shots of the lightning. This night, however, was different. When I got down to the beach I saw this very cool cloud out over the West side of the bay, which had lightning flashing inside of it every few seconds. The sky right above me was clear and full of stars. The sky above and to my left had the moon, which provided for some nice lighting of the bay.

The line of thunderstorms was moving very slowly and I was able to take well over 100 photos that night before the rain finally hit. I watched in awe as the clouds and the lightning moved out over the lake, then slowly appeared to swing back in towards the East side of the bay before closing in and completely covering the sky and blocking the view of the moon and the stars. Moments after the moon and the stars disappeared it started to rain. Thankfully, though, I could tell this was coming and had already packed up my gear and started walking up to the house. Just as I was getting to the front door it started to pour, which signaled the end of a fantastic night of shooting!