Sunday, June 23, 2024

Early Summer Sunset in The Land of 10,000 Lakes

A lovely June sunset while fishing on a lake in northern Minnesota. These are the best evenings to be out on the water. Not a lick of wind, the lake as smooth as glass, nothing but the sounds of trumpeter swans, loons, and songbirds to entertain us as we wait for the fish to strike our lines. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

A Pair of Moose


Nice surprise to see these two moose hanging out together recently on a local pond! I've gotten so used to not seeing moose the past few years that seeing them again is a real treat. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Spring Rainbow over Beaver Pond


This photograph is the culmination of one awesome afternoon of sky watching. My dad and I watched several small storm fronts pass overhead, some of them dropping only light amounts of rain. The sky was a beautiful blue in between each passing front. We had been getting ready to pack up and head home when we looked to the east and there was this beautiful rainbow. We stopped what we were doing and watched until it faded from view. It was the perfect way to end our day in the forest. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sky on Fire


The sunset this past Thursday evening was incredible! I was sitting in my living room watching a tv show when all of a sudden the room got a lot brighter and warmer in color. I looked outside and my jaw basically dropped to the floor when I saw what was going on in the sky. I grabbed one of my cameras and took a quick walk outside to capture a few photos. I sure am lucky to have these scenes available to me right outside my door. Always thankful.